Archive for the ‘Collage’ Category

Reem Mohammed

November 15, 2009

Reem Mohammed is a multi-disciplinary artist from United Arab Emirates. View her profile on Khatt and her channel on YouTube that includes several video art pieces. You will find two of her video works at the end of this post.


Lamia Ziadé

October 4, 2008

“Red Shoes, Blue Song” – Painting & collage on paper, 2004

Paris-based Lebanese Illustrator and artist Lamia Ziadé started her career at the age 18 when she moved to Paris to study in Graphic Arts in Atelier Met de Penninghen. She begun her career by designing fabrics for fashion houses of Jean-Paul Gaultier & Issey Myiake. She also worked with Vogue, San Pelligrino and a number of CD & film poster designs.

She participated in a number of exhibitions, one of them was under the title Hotel’s War in Galerie Tanit. The exhbition addressed the time back in 1975 where different militias (Al Kata’eb, Al Murabetoun, Al Feda’youn..etc) involved in the war took over several luxurious hotels in Beirut and used them as fortresses for weeks of dreadful fights. The exhibition explores the way those militias integrated into the hotel forcefully and turned them into their own little habitats where they drink and eat from what’s in the hotel, while entertaining themselves in there.

Photograph from her exhibition “Hotel’s War” – 2008 (Click to Enlarge)

Ziadé’s style takes a very interesting pattern and style of her own; a style that can be identified as highly feminie and yet childish in nature (from the different usage of fabrics, character drawing and so). She is a fan of depicting women either engaging in masturbation or not; but in both cases they are usually with wide open legs open for the spectator’s sight. One only thing that most can agree about Ziadé, her fulfillmet of the titled “Pop artist”.

“Yellow & Gold” – Tissues, 2006

Ziadé both wrote and co-wrote a number of books. They are: “L’utilisation Maximum de la Douceur”, “Dix Doigs Pour Une Voix”, “Rayon Beauté”, “Souliax” and “Strip Tease”.

cover of one of her books “Rayon Beauté” – 1998
